Saturday, September 02, 2006

the week that was

This has been a busy week for me. Guess that's the nature of having your own little business. A bit slow at times but really, really hectic at other times.

Two months into "being my own boss" (which is not really true as I have incredibly supportive partners and friends) now and things are beginning to move. I'm very blessed to have the support of friends who trust me, and whom I'm happy to work hard for and with.

Just yesterday, I asked a friend and fellow lawyer (and amazing Singapore ultimate disc player!!) for his advice on a matter which was really administrative and business development related. He didn't have the answer but really touched me by letting me know he had sent the word out on his network for the information and will be in touch.

Gary-you are a gent! I will always pass the disc to you from now on. Promise!

I have no doubt in my mind he didn't have to do this-after all some would view me as a competitor. And I have learnt that not everyone would take the trouble if there was no immediate gain for them in sight.

But nevermind, I have faith that when given the chance most people would do the right thing. And hopefully, when given the chance, I too will be of help to those around me.

That's all for now, I have to get some lunch and run off to play ultimate.